Intolerant Catholic

“In the world it is called Tolerance, but in hell it is called Despair, the sin that believes in nothing, cares for nothing, seeks to know nothing, interferes with nothing, enjoys nothing, hates nothing, finds purpose in nothing, lives for nothing, and remains alive because there is nothing for which it will die.” --Dorothy Sayres

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Over at Intelletctual Conservative , they're talking about the different types of conservatives. In the comments the topic of a proper name for our (my) side of the debate came up. Mike Tuggles at Rebellion has some thoughts

For my part, I use the term "tradionalist". Wha I mean by that is precisely this: God created man in his image and likeness. Man is born with inborn traits to help him be productive and happy in this world. Due to The Fall, man is also born with traits that will serve to destroy him and thos around him. The prupose of society of any kind is to encourage the good traits and to discourage the bad. The problem is that it's not always obvious which is which, nor how to encourge/discourage them.

Tradition and custom serve to illuminate the puzzle for us. They are the result of thousands of years of actual human experience distilled down to a practical way of life. Contrary to the claims of some, they are not arbitrary. One discards tradition at one's peril.

As a traditionalist, I believe that far too many traditions and customs have been discarded in our modern world, and it's time to start bringing them back in. The role of government is the process of bringing them back is to please GET OUT OF THE WAY. Starting with pulling US troops out of spider-infested third (and first) world countries, reforming of divorce laws, on to closing the border, and eliminating welfare, and ending with a reaffirmation of the 9th and 10th amendments to the constitution, the Us government should simply stop intervening where it has no business, whether in Iraq, Parguay, Serbia, or Oregon.

What's in a name?

Have you noticed that most people described as conservatives today, whether by themselves or the media, just aren't? The prime example is GW Bush. The man's presidency is a complete walking disaster from a real conservative's perspective, and yet he is constantly being described not only as conservative, but as radically conservative.

How did this come about? I have a theory. In the late 60's and early 70's, the left made up a tale of "The Man"(r), a horrid, racist oppressor who is constantly fighting to keep down the poor, the blacks, and the powerless for his own benefit and amusement. While there were certainly people like that in the 70's, they were very few and mostly Democrats. A person who only cared about power in the 70's was just not going into national politics as a Republican. As the Democrats on the left told this story over and over again to itself, it was natural to identify The Man(r) with the Rich, the Elite, the Republicans. Eventually they stereotype took, becoming unquestioned in the minds of the young. So when a young proto-fascist like Rumsfeld or GW Bush was looking for a political home, the GOP seemed like the proper place. And of course, everyone knows that the Republican party is conservative. It must be true!

In reality Conservatism is diametrically opposed to all kinds of social engineering, from socialist health care to wars for democracy. I can't think of a single conservative issue the current batch at the helm of the GOP would be willing to fight for, except (marginally) lower taxes. For us paleoconservatives, tax rates are an important but non-critical issue.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Predictions for 2007

It is customary, at the beginning of the year, for those who are actually smarter than the rest of humanity to show off our greater perspicacity by making predictions of upcoming events. Unfortunately, it is also customary for the deceitful, the arrogant, the self-important and the clueless to do exactly the same thing. The only way to tell the difference is check the predictions against actual events. Since this is a first for me, you have no record to check against. So assign me to one of the above categories and read my:

Predictions for 2007

1. Oil prices, while still volatile, will continue to increase
2. The Bush Administration will try to attack Iran. I think that Congressional Democrats will actually try to stop them. If they manage to get congressional approval (or worse yet, act without congressional approval), we will lose Iraq utterly and for at least a generation.
3. Microsoft Vista will fall flat in the market
4. Some company will actually start marketing an easy-to-install, legally irreproachable media player for Linux. This is the last piece in the puzzle which will lead to world domination for a real and secure operating system.
5. Thanks to and internet marketing, a band will break out and make huge sales without having a recording contract with a record company.
6. Contrary to Republican scare-mongering, the socialists leading the Democrat party will not be able to nationalize health care.
7. No-one will watch television on their cell phone
8. The blogosphere will continue to make no real difference, except for the productivity impact of millions of people talking to each other on company time.
9. Our liberty will continue to be chipped away by the Democrats as it was by the Republicans.

Danby's real name revealed

My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Marquess Danby the Nefarious of Lower Beanthrop in the Hedge
Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title

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